Justice League, the Snyder Cut: A 4-hour epic
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This blog is supported by you, the readers. I sometimes earn a small commission when you click affiliate links and/or make purchases from blog posts
I’ll be honest: I have only seen Maleficent once, five years ago, when it first came out and I reviewed it here on the blog.
Yesterday was truly one of the most exciting days ever. I woke up to my Disney alarm at 3:20 AM, brushed my teeth, got dressed,
Guys, this Toy Story review has *some* spoilers about the themes of the story, but I promise not to ruin the ending because some things
Yesterday was a weird day wrapped in a magic bow. It started with a rehearsal for my newest Second City Training Center coached ensemble (yay!)
I’ve been on a musicals kick. It has nothing everything to do with seeing Hamilton for the second time. I’ve graduated from listening to the
“Your life is happening now, right in front of you.” Sage advice from a grown-up Christopher Robin’s wife, Evelyn (played by Hayley Atwell), as she
Earlier this week, Brian and I had the privilege of attending a pre-screening of Beauty & the Beast in 3-D Imax. As expected, the movie
Just like my hero, Chris, in Adventures in Babysitting, I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and occasionally, I have little hometown adventures. Whenever Brian
Did you know today is National Siblings Day? A mere week after my little brother’s 32nd birthday (it’s currently the very brief two months in which
My parents have never really been ones to jump on the technology bandwagon. We didn’t get a home computer until my senior year of high
It’s almost October, and my Halloween excitement is growing. I’ve started pumping myself up with movies and TV shows that either scare me or get