Hey Baby, What’s Your Myers-Briggs Type?
For the last few weeks, I’ve taken you on a little journey that started with two guys in a bar (this is the beginning of
For the last few weeks, I’ve taken you on a little journey that started with two guys in a bar (this is the beginning of
In my office, the bathroom is an interesting space. I’ve been with my company for over two years, and last month, they replaced lights I
2023 Update: The world changed drastically when Covid hit, and I just can’t help but blame (or thank) the fine folks from Jamberry and Younique
I’ve decided to devote a little discussion to money or better yet, why people shouldn’t talk about money (Does that make this blog post ironic?
If you recall from a few days ago, I had an offer to discuss selling my site. Not like, a hey, we-want-to-buy-Quirky-Chrissy offer…More like a
Yesterday was Election Day. We has a pretty big race here in Illinois, and I don’t even want to talk about it. Instead, I’ll talk
Holy crap, you guys. Brian and I are safely in California, checked into hotel number one of three for the first leg of our trip,
For the last couple of months, instead of estate sailing and garage sailing for vintage board games, Brian and I have been adventuring out with
What would you do with a large, empty cardboard box?
A conversation Brian and I had this morning had me in tears I was laughing so hard. I had every intention of getting on the
In case you didn’t know this about me…I make up songs. Like a child. You know how little kids take a tune they know and
Okay. Maybe I’m alone in this. Maybe I’m like…the worst girl ever. I mean, I don’t typically wear makeup. I think yoga pants are