This blog is supported by you, the readers. I sometimes earn a small commission when you click affiliate links and/or make purchases from blog posts like this one.
My mom has always been a cool girl. She’s bright and vivacious and everyone adores her for her un and friendly nature.

And I mean, with buy 1, get 2 free, you can get one or two for yourself and STILL get a gift for someone else. It’s a winning situation.
That being said, keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram account for a chance to win $50 in credit to TV Store Online later this week.

I get my nerdiness from my dad’s side
My dad is the reason I love nerdy things, and I’m so grateful for that.

Justice League, the Snyder Cut: A 4-hour epic
This blog is supported by you, the readers. I sometimes earn a small commission when you click affiliate links and/or make purchases from blog posts

When it Comes to Brothers, I Sure Lucked Out
Did you know today is National Siblings Day? A mere week after my little brother’s 32nd birthday (it’s currently the very brief two months in which