I will love HomeGoods forever and not just because they supported a majority of my addictions (cheese, shopping, eating fancy food, hot bubble baths, and people watching, among others) for 5 days last week.
I fell in love with HomeGoods in 2014, shortly after buying our house. I had always had an affinity for home shopping (and been a huge Marshalls fan since I was a teenager), but I hadn’t really explored all there was to offer in that HGTV world until I had an entire house to furnish and decorate. Seven years later, I still have no idea what I’m doing, but HomeGoods has absolutely made our house a home.
In May, I found out that I won the Homegoods Hideout, a 4-night stay in a fancy Chicago apartment, completely furnished by Homegoods with decor, stocked with snacks (And OMG do I love me the Homegoods snack aisle, my dudes), fun activities, and a Magic Buddy available 19 hours a day via a Magic Phone with a Magic Budget for all my additional needs. At the end of the stay? A Magic Takeout Box the size of my trunk arrived via Magic Buddy for me to fill with souvenirs of my home away from home.
Last week, I moved into the swankest apartment I’ve ever been in for a long weekend. I spent the first hour just taking it all in. Noticing the details and opening every cabinet and drawer just to see all the things. I spent the next four days unwinding myself from myself (an old friend used to say I was wound tighter than an 8-day clock), reading, writing, and plotting. It was magnificent.
Here are some of the things I learned this past weekend:
- Enter the contest. Someone has to win, and one day it could be you (or several days. We all know I’m a professional contest winner at heart).
- Take more baths. They feel good, and they are good for your body.
- Use the candles. It was kind of amazing reading in a bedroom with a lit candle. The aroma of relaxation is magical.
- Notice the details. Take your time. Slow down. Breathe it all in.
- Run the dishwasher every night.
- Make your bed every morning.
- Decorate with plants.
- Clear the clutter. You don’t need it all. Seriously.
- Read more joy. Books are a way to learn, to escape, to fall in love, to try something new. But also, joyful books are just good for your soul. ESPECIALLY if you’re an empath.
- Social media less. When your mind isn’t constantly “on,” you can do so much more.
- Try something new. I learned how to macrame (hello, new hobby) and tried some new delicious smoothies. I also learned that making sugar and salt scrubs is an art form that is not for me. But I’m glad I tried.
- There’s no place like home (even if home is a clusterfuck of clutter and distraction).
- And finally, you can fit A LOT of home goods from HomeGoods in a 2-ft cubed moving box.

4 things that save my marriage every day
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Monday Memories: Hoarder? Who, me?
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