Heading to BlogHer 2014 in San Jose and Things I’m Going to Con Brian into Doing

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Guys, I am SO stoked to be heading to my second BlogHer convention. Last year, it was in Chicago–just 5 minute cab ride from my office, so I made my way over there after work on the first day of the conference. This year, I’ll be traveling to California for the first time ever and heading to San Jose to meet up with some of my bloggie friends, mentors and heroes for 4 days of joy.

Of course, I figured if I were heading out there for a conference, I might as well enjoy a few days of sightseeing before the big event. So Brian decided to join me on the upcoming adventure.

This is Brian and I on adventures

We’ll be flying into San Francisco for a couple of days, then making our way up to wine country, and finishing our journey with BlogHer in San Jose (and flying out of San Jose. I REALLY love Southwest. Bags fly free and you can easily book one-way trips.)

While I’m conferencing with my bloggie friends, Brian will have a few days of down time to do…well…whatever he wants. Without me dragging him all over hell and high water.  Because that’s TOTALLY going to happen. I’ve created a little wishlist of things that I REALLY feel are an important part of our west coast journey.

1. Pictures in front of the Full House house. Yes. I know that people live there. But you know what? They moved into the Full House house. I’m going to be a covert creeper and make that shit happen.

2. Picnic in Alamo Square Park (bonus: Play the Full House theme song from a boom box.) This kind of goes along with San Fran goal #1. But seriously guys… FULL HOUSE. It was like…the epitome of childhood.

3. Sea-shelling on the Pacific coast. I read that one of the top ten shelling beaches in the United States is just north of San Francisco…so I pretty much HAVE to make my way over there to check it out. You know how much I love shelling!

4.  Visit the Winchester Mansion. If you haven’t heard of it, look it up. Sarah Winchester thought the ghosts of every person who ever died from a Winchester rifle was haunting her. So she built this crazy house and kept building until the day she died. Doors that lead to walls, hallways to nowhere, windows in the middle of the house…Crazy shit. I CAN’T WAIT.

5. Attend some blogger party or event. I don’t expect him to want to partake in the entire conference, but I think it will be fun to intro him to some of the bloggers of my “tribe.” (Hint: That’s you guys)

There are other things on the list, but those are my top 5.

Have you been to northern California? What would be on your don’t-miss list? Are you going to BlogHer?

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28 Responses

  1. I definitely not going to BlogHer. It would be fun, but no have girlfriend who is a blogette. You could look at the Computer Museum in Mountain View which is supposed to be kind of cool and nerdy. The Winchester House is weird but overrated. I would go to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose which is filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts. Get out of San Jose if possible and go across the Mountains to Palo Alto or Half Moon Beach.

  2. Sounds like a ton of fun. One day I may make it to a conference, but at 71 I doubt it. So I’ll just keep following you and live vicariously in your adventures. Have a great time. :o)

    1. He never is. Oftentimes, his excitement stems from my own…when we were in Disney, part of the joy was taking in my joy… 🙂 My happiness makes him happy, and isn’t that a wonderful thing?

  3. You and Brian could take the trip to Alcatraz. There is a museum there with some interesting stuff. By the way, “The Birdman of Alcatraz” wasn’t exactly a good guy. High I.Q. but extremely dangerous.

  4. It took me a year of living in San Francisco to figure out that the Full House house is not the house from Alamo Square, that’s just the opening scene!

    But have SO much fun in the Bay Area. I don’t know San Jose at all (only been once) but I obviously LOVE San Francisco and hopefully you’ll get some good weather, even if it is “summer.” At least it will be way warmer in San Jose. I’ve always wanted to go to the Winchester house but haven’t made it yet.

    1. Yeah, I looked into it, because it was something I’ve wanted to do since the 90’s!

      I’m pretty excited for the trip in general. Everyone I know who’s been to San Fran loves it!

  5. Have a great time! Love the west coast. Especially for wine country. I have heard from other lady bloggers I follow that it’s a fun event. One day I’ll dress in drag and crash the party!

  6. I was at #BlogHer13 last year. And…I’m going to #BlogHer14 too! We totally have to hook up! Molley, A Mother Life is my roomie. See you there! PS, I added you to my list of blogs I stalk. Just so you knonw. (I’m watching.) 🙂

  7. I’ll be there, but you totally already knew that. I was researching fun stuff to do and came across the Mystery House. NO THANK YOU. Scary stuff creeps me the hell out! So jealous of your Full House adventures.. but I’ll be flying into San Jose with no car.

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