Hi there! This is Nia! Mom said I could tell you the epawic story of my run-in with the Easter bunnies this week. Mom says the story is sad, so if you’re not into that sort of thing, you might not want to read this. If you don’t mind a little sad, I had quite the pupventure right in my own backyard, and I’d love to tell you apawt it.
It all began on Thursday night. Mom and Dad were doing their regular nighttime things — looking at the little lights they hold in their hands all the time while the big moving picture window kept moving and moving and moving. I tried to get the things in the window, but my snoot kept hitting the glass. Mom says they were chess pieces. I don’t know what that means but I wanted it anyways.
So then I woofed some — you know to let them know I was bored with the little lights and the moving window. I wanted to play. So they let me go play outside. They even left the door open so I could come and go as I pawleased.
I went outside and found a whole bunch of furiends playing hide and seek, just waiting fur me to find them! They were super tiny, just like my sharks that I play hide and seek with in the ship. They were hiding real good, but I got them all out. Don’t worry, though. I was real gentle with them. I didn’t want to hurt them!
They looked real cold, so I brought the first one inside and pawt him right in front of the fireplace. That’s where it gets real warm sometimes, so I thought it might be a good pawlace fur him. Once I was inside, Mom closed the door, so I couldn’t go get the rest of my new furiends.
I was very sad, so I kept trying to tell them I wanted to go get my furiends. I don’t think they understood me, so I finally just laid down next to dad and fell asleep.
When I woke up, all the lights were out in the house. I think Mom and Dad went to bed and furgot to wake me up so I could snuggle them. It was okay because I remembered my new furiend. I went to check on him and he was still asleep by the fireplace. I decided that Mom and Dad would be okay fur a night without me, and I curled up on the couch near my furiend so he wouldn’t be lonely.
Sometime when it was still dark, I woke up again and, having furgotten about my furiend, I made my way upstairs to my cozy dog bed. Befur the morning sound went off, I heard my Uncle Thomases on Mom’s phone. She started moving around and I knew I was gonna get to go outside fur my morning security detail, so I started woofing a whole lot. Mom let me outside and I checked the pawrimeter.
I heard Mom scream inside, but who knows what THAT was about. Then Dad came outside to play! I saw him walk over by my furiends’ hiding spot, but he quickly realized that I already found them all and he didn’t have to worry about it. I always find them all!
Then Mom came out and started looking all over. I think she wanted to pawt my furiends back so I could find them again. That’s what she does with the sharks. She cried every time she saw one and then Dad came back and picked them all up. He didn’t pawt them back in the right place though. He took them away. I guess they didn’t want to play with me anymore.
I then remembered my inside furiend, but when I went back in, he was gone too. I hope my furiends come back. I miss them already.
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2 Responses
Sorry Nia. I don’t believe you. They were invaders in your playground. You took care of them. For good. Good dog. I know you didn’t know it was a bad thing. You have to protect your parents. Good dog. Love, Grandma.
LOL. I really think she didn’t mean to hurt them!