I Accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge. Will You?

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While the ice bucket challenge seems like all fun and games with adorable videos from Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner and hilarious videos from Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters, this is a very real cause.

When it first started trickling around my corner of the internet, I wasn’t really sure what was going on, because I saw more negativity than anything else. People bashing it for not being a good campaign.


Well…it’s a great campaign. You donate money to ALSA. Whether or not you dump a bucket of ice water over your head. You donate money. To a noble cause. This is raising awareness AND money. In my video, I challenged a few bloggers, but here, I am challenging you. Whether you choose to dump a bucket of ice water (or a bucket of water with about 8 ice cubes) over your head or not. I challenge you to go read about ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). And donate if you have the means. By the way, I have fancy analytics in the back end of this here website, so I know if you’re clicking that link above. So click the link.

ALS Challenge

As I prepared for the challenge, I put ice into the bucket and started filling it with water. And it started getting soapy. So I had to dump it all out and try again.

And again.

And again. Until there was no soap that would go in my eyes…And only a few pieces of ice. But I did it. As far as the sirens going off in the background…I didn’t do it. I swear.

Crazy things I’ve done as mentioned in the video:

Sat in the snow in below zero windchill

Ran into Lake Michigan in the middle of March

Had a cooler of ice water dumped on me

Have you accepted the ice bucket challenge yet? If you haven’t been challenged, consider this your challenge. Will you support ALS research?

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18 Responses

  1. In terms of the negativity, I think there’s a lot of it going around in California because we’re in our worst drought ever. Also, with the younger set (like teens & early 20’s) they don’t see it as “donate and dump the bucket” they see it as “dump the bucket to get out of donating”. I wish more people would confirm that not only did they accept the challenge, but that they ALSO donated.

    1. I can totally understand that, but the people who I’ve seen complaining about it aren’t giving reasons like that. They’re saying things like “ALS isn’t a big enough cause to raise awareness” which disgusts me or that “it’s just a stupid thing and people should just donate” which they are anyways – the ice bucket is raising awareness.

      I definitely think that the water waste in California is a good reason not to dump a huge bucket…maybe just a cup? Or the start of a shower? Or just make a small donation. 😀

  2. We had a family member that recently passed from ALS, so it is great to see it get all the attention it has. Hopefully someday they’ll find a cure.

  3. I haven’t done theverything challenge but it really is a great cause to bring attention to. You must really like doing exciting things in the cold ha. Interesting list of achievements.

    1. Ha…I have my moments. I actually dislike the cold greatly…I just like doing things that are 1. for a worthy cause or 2. will make a good story. Sometimes they fall under both categories.

  4. Nice job! I am so glad ALS is getting all of this publicity and bringing awareness to this horrible disease.

    1. Thanks! I’m really glad that it’s getting publicity too. I think there are several really awful diseases out there that people don’t even realize exist until they know someone who is diagnosed.

  5. I just watched my cousin’s video yesterday doing the challenge. I could never bring myself to do an ICE bucket challenge. I’m just cold by nature. But for these causes, I’ll donate away!

  6. It is a fun way to get involved with a good cause. I donated but skipped the bucket dumping. I have more than enough friends who dumped water on themselves. It’s a great cause and so good to see how much this has raised.

  7. Nice going! I donated but skipped the bucket of water, as I have a ton of friends doing it already. It’s a fun way to raise money for a good cause. People should just stop complaining about it.

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