That title actually has nothing to do with this post. It was just necessary. Because today is the big day! The BLOGGESS. Is in. Chicago. Ish. But since I live in Chicago-ish, it works out mighty well. BECAUSE I’M GOING TO MEET HER TODAY! And I’ve got some out of town guests that I’m dragging to the reading. Because that’s how I roll.
As I mentioned on Monday, this whole week is dedicated to bloggers. And today. Today is a whole post. Dedicated to one blogger. Because she’s that awesome. And it’s perfectly fitting. You see, I found her blog through the comments section of The Bloggess (This is how I found a lot of the blogs I read, actually. You should try it, if you haven’t.) And then she became my very first non-real-life-fan/friend. And she’s one of my BBBs (Blogging Best Buddies). And she’s fantastic. And she sent me the coolest Christmas “card” ever. Because it was a card. And a magnet. AND A FREAKIN’ PAINTING!
This Blog Post is Dedicated to…
Lily from It’s a Dome Life
As previously mentioned, Lily was my first non-real-life-friend to find the blog, probably because I stalked her a little bit after I found her blog on The Bloggess. And it was the greatest day ever. Because she’s sweet as pie. And funny. And TALENTED. She turned her art into magnets. And told me that she was sending one with her Christmas card…

But Lily didn’t just send me a magnet. Nope. I had to go to the post office to pick up the package (this was before my mail lady was cool), and I kept thinking to myself, “This does not look like a magnet sized package.”
I couldn’t wait to get home to open the package…(are we seeing a pattern here?)…so there I was in the car and I discovered this beautiful watercolor of a sunset. (She calls it, “Sunset from the Driveway.”)

Of course, it took me FOREVER to get a frame and put it on the wall…because I am a little crazy and take my sweet time making decisions. Plus it was Christmas time, and my apartment looked like Christmas threw up…so I waited. And finally, I found the right frame (for now, until I can custom frame it). And now it lives in our bedroom. The first art in our home.

Thank you Lily. For your talent. For inspiring me. For being my friend. You’re amazing.
And to everyone else: Go check out Lily’s blog and her art.
Blog Friends: Are you a blogger? Tell me about your blog. Or do you have a favorite blogger? Tell me about him or her. What makes his/her blog awesome?
23 Responses
Lily is AWESOME. I’m so glad you found her so that I could stalk her too! Yay Lily! Yay Tiny-Small! Yay Art! And, of course, Yay Chrissy!
She is! Yay everyone!
Have a wonderful time meeting The Bloggess! I’ve never met her, but she totally left a comment on my blog one time, so we’re obviously BFF’s…
I am so impressed by this because I have never seen her leave a comment anywhere. I didn’t think it happened. So…WOW! That is pretty awesome. I think you might be BFF’s but it’s sort of like a secret kind of love. So jealous!
I was just thinking earlier today about how one of my more recent dreams is for The Bloggess to leave a comment. Somewhere. Anywhere. She freakin’ rocks.
OMG. That’s amazing. YOU ARE BFF’s! I’ll tell her you say hi!
LOL, totally!
I’m jealous you get to meet her! I “discovered” her after her book tour in Texas so I missed out. And I have stalked IDLs blog a bit. She is truly talented.
She’s a gem and a half. That girl is going places.
Record meeting the Bloggess in your mind because I want a play-by-play with all of the details! Don’t leave anything out.
Thanks for sharing my art and my blog. I am so glad we connected! I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to read a blog for the first time as I was reading yours. I was all THIS! THIS is what it’s all about, People.
You’re the best!
I will most definitely do that!
And of course I’m happy to share your art and you and your blog. You make me smile every day, Lily. You’re amazing. Thank you.
Lily – I LOVE your art too. So beautiful! AND if my son were a girl, I was going to name him Lily. But he wasn’t and I’m one-and-done with kids, so that is sad.
I know a lot of dogs named Lily. I also met a turtle named Lily once too…haha!
Wow! That’s so awesome! That hummingbird looks so beautiful and the scenery is so cool!!
It is pretty darn awesome. I love the hummingbird. SO pretty. 🙂
Love the painting and the frame, too, it looks really good together! Lilly is awesome and I can understand all the compliments here going her way 🙂
That Lily is brilliant. 🙂
Aww man you guys are too much! Making me get all teary with gratitude. It’s good to have friends.
Love the Bloggess and finally read her book! Have fun 🙂
Yay! Thanks!
LOL did she read the Detox/Ex-Lax chapter? She did here in Toronto, it was awesome.
I will let you know. Just a few more hours!!
There are not enough kind words to describe my love and admiration for you and Lily. And as if it needs to be said, The Bloggess and badass too. I kind of wanna be like her when/if I grow up. BUt for now I am just so stoked to have you and Lily as friends.