For my first decade of blogging, I was not a mother. I blogged in a world dominated by mom bloggers, but I was not a mom. And I was (mostly) okay with that. But I AM a godmother. And an aunt. And a quasi-aunt. But I was a godmother first. And that’s what this post is about.
A Letter of Love to my godson
Dear Little A,
8 years ago this morning, I woke up and it was an ordinary day. I was a senior at Bradley University who hated going to Biology class. I almost always found an excuse to ditch it. You gave me yet another one… (When you get to college, kid, don’t do that. OK…maybe just, like, once. Or twice. A month. You know what, when you get to college, we’ll chat.)
I got the phone call that the first baby in our family, my only godchild, you would be born that day. I jumped out of bed, called my old roommate and told her to take notes…I had a godson to meet!
I drove home immediately. 2 and a half hours was a piece of cake, because I was SO excited. I didn’t really like kids…but I knew I was going to love you. You were going to be (and you ARE-along with your sister and cousins, obviously.) the coolest kid(s) ever. I planned out all of the great ways that I was going to be your godmother. I planned to buy the loudest toys, and teach you all of the cool things I know…I’ve got a lot more big plans for you, kid…you just don’t know it yet. I’ll tell you when you’re older.
Of course, you took your sweet time, entering this world…You were born just before midnight…You wanted to make today more special to our family than to anyone else on the planet. You make today special. Every year.
The next morning, after your mom and dad, I was the first one to hold you.
For 8 years, I’ve gotten to watch you grow. Watch you learn to crawl, walk, talk, swim, read, and write. You’ve given me memories to last a lifetime, and I can only look forward to more. You’re growing up before our eyes, Little A…It seems like just yesterday you were the sweet baby…And now you are an awesome kid.
You love your family more than anything and I couldn’t have asked for a better godson. My heart is bursting with love for you, today. Happy Birthday Little Man. I can’t believe how old you are.
Love Auntie Chrissy
10 Responses
Awww! Little A is getting big too fast!
You’re telling me! I want Baby A back!
He’s absolutely precious!
I’d say he’s my pride and joy, but really I had nothing to do with his adorable-ness…except maybe some of the clothes. And a few toys. And the smirk. I think I can take credit for the smirk. Nope, that’s my aunt. Crap.
How sweet you are to be such a wonderfully present Godmother! Little (bigger) A is so lucky! I love the pics … and your EYES! wowza! beauties! -m
EEP! You’re so sweet! *blush* Little A is like the greatest kid in the world (he and his sister and cousins, OF COURSE)… 🙂
OOOOOOOH MAH GOOODNESS!! Chrissy. I So Love you it is unreal! You have got to be one of the most amazing, kind and loving people I know. And you smile is so fantastic, I smile back at you everytime I see it. Oh, and… just wait until you have one of your own. MUltiply this post by infinity!
You are a big ball of love and I adore you for it! Thank you for your sweet sweet words of joy. 🙂
he’s so cute!! You’re both lucky to have each other!! 🙂
Thanks! I adore him 🙂