So you know how sometimes I do things so you don’t have to? This is one of those times. So please. Kids. Don’t try this at home.
Yoga is fun. Yoga is fucking awesome. Yoga is one of my new favorite things to do. Sometimes, I think in my head at night well, I can yoga or I can write, but I can’t do both.
As evident by my recent posting schedule, you can see where my head has been. And last night after happy hour (that ran well over an hour) was no exception. The thing is…Drunk Chrissy wanted to yoga AND write. And she had a brilliant fucking plan. That went something like this.
Step 1: Drink expensive beer and eat $2 tacos. The beer/beverage choice is up for discussion, so really, pick your preferred poison.
Step 2: (which is really like 10 steps in one, but it doesn’t really matter how you get home, as long as you’re not driving) Go home.
Step 3: Make a snack. You can’t be expected to be brilliant without your hungry drunk brain cleared.
Step 4: Decide that you’re going to try amazing feats of yoga. You have no fear. (No, really. DON’T. TRY. THIS. AT HOME).
Step 5: Find your unsuspecting victim. I mean photographer. I mean boyfriend. Tell him you have a genius plan and you require his services. When he tells you that shoveling your massive driveway is more important than yoga pictures, pout just a little.
Step 6: Have another snack. If your first snack was salty, opt for something sweet, now. If you like.
Step 7: Lay down on your mat and flop into a position that takes way more work when you’re sober. Twice.

Step 8: Lay back down and watch the room spin just a little.
Step 9: Decide it’s time for headstand and race to the hallway that allows you to do it.
Step 10: Get your inversion on. I prefer headstand…one, because I discovered this week that I can do it and two because it doesn’t wreak havoc on my wrists.

Step 11: Collapse into the room spins.
Step 12: Go to bed, drunky.
See, that wasn’t so hard? Still best not to do this. I probably could have hurt myself.
What stupid shenanigans do you get into after a few beers? What yoga poses are you proud of or excited to try?
12 Responses
LOL I’ve never done drunk yoga. I’ve done drunk laundry which apparently brings out my OCD. I’ve decided to knit while I’m watching a movie and have some wine and realized that yeah, drunk knitting results in things nobody can wear.
And I too have the issue of boobs getting smooshed into my face in certain yoga positions.
Hahahahahaha. Drunk laundry gets me in trouble. And yeah. Boobs in face. #NoShame
I prefer drunk Wii sports. it’s safe, as long as you don’t walk in front of the person with the remote (or Wiimote if you prefer) I usually end up falling down the stairs, but that’s because the TV with the wii is downstairs and the fridge with the alcohol is upstairs.
Drunk wii is fuuuun! And OBVIOUSLY you need a mini fridge with alcohol in the wii room!
Falling off my bike was pretty epic. Half a mile per hour…fell into the street… on a main road. At night.
Oy vey! Did you know you can get a bike version of a DUI?
Yes ma’am. An OWI
I can barely do yoga sober. Also, I need that hallway. And possibly someone holding onto my legs.
Haha. I love this hallway. And Brian used to put my legs up and take them down.
This was awesome! Drunk yoga sounds like fun
Plow Pose. Huh.
I call that ‘This Is How I Die” pose.
I just snorted out loud.