Greetings Blog Friends!
As promised…
I apologize profusely for the MIA/broken blog. You may have been unable to comment…or you may have noticed a giant mess of code and error messages…
Just blame Brian. (Although, in his defense, he DID help troubleshoot my blog with the WinHost people. So we can’t be too angry at him…)
After a 48 hour blog blackout, we’re BACK IN BUSINESS. With LOTS to say. And a whole new plan for the coming year of bloggy bloggy joy.
Shameless Plug
My blog friend, Heather the B(itch), came out with her second book. When I say shameless, I mean it. This girl brings new meaning to the word, bitch. And I kind of adore her. So when she sent a call out for videos calling HER out as the bitch we all know and love her to be…I was in. The results? An amusing trailer in which I am pretty darn awesome.
In honor of Heather’s book release, I’ve created a Zazzle tee-shirt!

You can order yours today to wear while reading Heather’s sassy pants book. If you’d prefer to order through me (with slightly different lettering), I’m working on another t-shirt option utilizing the bitchy song I came up with at work. (I have the best co-workers ever. Seriously.)
What? I mentioned winners? Of course, I did! You think I forgot about my joyous giveaways last week? Nope, not this girl. So I used a completely random number generator to choose the winners (and by random number generator, I mean Brian. He told me a number, and then there was magically a winner. Except that I won like 3 times…so he had to tell me other numbers. And actually the first number he said was pi. And that OBVIOUSLY was wrong.)
Congratulations to the following big winners! I hope you like your prizes (even the random and ridiculous ones):
Monday’s Secret Amazon Winner is Charleen from Cheap Thrills Book Blog.
Congrats to Charleen for being the future owner of the following SWEET ASS Amazon prizes! (GO FORTH AND READ THE REVIEWS!)

Our next winner is for a beautiful coffee mug featuring Brian’s art. The piece on the mug is entitled, “Imagination Takes Flight.”Jessica from Red Hot Writing Hood is the winner of this sweet prize! Congrats Jessica!

Our next winner is for the Unbirthday Think Geek Gift Card! Joules from Pocketful of Joules will get to enjoy all of the geeky stuff she wants (that is available for $25 or less). Well played Joules!
And the last winner of the birthday/bloggiversary week giveaways is April from First Time Mom and Dad! Congrats to April who will be receiving a sweet ass surprise (that’s just too good to giveaway the details before she receives it!)
(Winners, drop me an e-mail with your info so that I can get your lovely prizes out to you!)
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaways last week and to all of you who read the posts I throw out into the world. I’ve got some great summer product reviews coming up in the near future, and maybe there will be a few more giveaways to come.
4 Responses
Love is just not even going to come close. First The Blog out was sad, but almost like an Encore, where you left the stage we screamed and cried and then you came back with awesomeness!!
The Trailer is so so so so awesome I want to crawl in and kiss you!
And my gift! HOLY CRAP!! I never ever win anything! Thank you so much to you, Brian, the academy and the little people.
I love you so my Chrissy!
I’m a winner, I’m a WINNER!
LOL figured there was trouble in tech land, I did Dolphins for you on Friday!
Yay!!! And I love the beautiful piece of art by Brian!! Can’t wait to drink some tea out of that mug! Thank you Chrissy!