After a year and a half of getting to know me on the internet, I PROBABLY don’t have to tell you that I’m seriously messed up in the head. I probably also don’t have to tell you that I’m a smidge on the sick and twisted side. Or that I love Halloween. Or that I love fake blood and guts and scaring the crap out of people.
So it REALLY shouldn’t surprise you that when I had the opportunity—for the first time ever, as I now live in my very own apartment (that I do not own, therefore don’t have to care about quite as much)—to really go a little nuts on the Halloween decor.
After Pinteresting the heck out of Halloween for the last month (Do you follow me on Pinterest? Because you should. I pin awesome stuff), Brian and I threw a little…Halloween Kickoff Party in our tiny apartment. And by tiny, I mean big enough to fit 24 of our closest pals. Obviously.
After working in a pretty awesome haunted house…and then my stint as an extra in a horror movie (I’ll tell you about that when the movie comes out, yo!), I learned a few tricks for high quality horror. So I had a plan. I was going to turn our bathroom into something of a horror scene.
![For our Halloween party, we turned our bathroom into a bloody horror scene using some items we had laying around the kitchen for realistic looking blood that was EASY to clean up. For our Halloween party, we turned our bathroom into a bloody horror scene using some items we had laying around the kitchen for realistic looking blood that was EASY to clean up.](
DIY Decorative Blood
For the blood, I picked up some corn syrup, chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup. Then I mixed them all together. The real bonus, though was the pumpkin spice coffee grounds. That’s it. Easy peasy. And it smelled AMAZING. So even though my bathroom looked disgusting, it didn’t smell like ass at all!
What do you think, guys? Twisted? Awesome? Disgusting?
Our guests told us that our bathroom was disgusting…BUT they also said that it smelled REALLY nice. And it totally did.
Cleaning up the fake blood
Everyone kept tell me that it was going to be SUCH a bitch to clean up. Because like…sticky. Oh and that we would have ants. But you know what? It wasn’t so bad.
Unfortunately, because we need to like…shower…we couldn’t keep these decs up through the season. So I went to work. I used two rolls of paper towels, an entire can of Extra Strength Scrubbing Bubbles (minus whatever I used to clean the bathroom prior to the mess), half a can of Windex Foaming Glass Cleaner, A bunch of 409 Kitchen cleaner and some Windex Bathroom Touch Up (this one, I scored from BlogHer)….
You want to know what worked best?
Warm water.
I realized, as I was breathing in all of the chemicals and choking to death, that maybe I should try just good old fashioned water, so I turned on the shower. And watched as coffee grounds and syrup melted off the walls and filled the tub. It was amazing. Even though I felt ridiculous for wasting all of the cleaning product that I wasted. Because water is awesome.
And the towel? I threw it in the washer. Piece of cake.
![Shop New Halloween Decorations for 2015 via](
12 Responses
Hmmm. Looks like Norman Bates has been around. You’ll have to visit the Psycho House at Universal Studios if you and Brian ever get out here. Btw, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays too. I’ll have to put a skull on the porch to scare the crap out of the little kids. 😉
Halloween is the best! And the Psycho house would be awesome!
It looked awesome! Great job! Halloween is also my favorite. We finally live in a neighborhood with lots of children so we have plans to scare the crap out of them…. at least a little…..
Thanks! It was fun. And therapeutic. I hope you get to scare all sorts of kids!!
That is so freaking gross, but seriously creative.
Thanks! I try… muahahaha!
Chrissy I have an idea. Why don’t you get a hold of Quentin Tarantino?
I’m sure he’d appreciate your work.
I’ll try to give him a call!
Not gonna lie, that gave me the heebie-jeebies!
Yes! Sweet success!
Ok Chrissy, I will speak to you but I won’t tell you lies! Haha That’s pretty cute. You really did a great job with the shower. I love doing projects like this as well. I think you might like some of these that I found online. Here’s the link:
Most of them are little crafts that you can do yourself. Pretty neat and SpookY! Hope you like them. You should add them to this post! =D
-Cheryl Khan
Thanks! I love me some DIY projects.